-The sphynx (the hairless cat), what a majestic, special and so fabulous breed, they are overflowing with affection and the contact of the human being is essential for them!
-The sphynx cat, is beautiful little gremlin, calm and affectionate!
And now the extraordinary Elf Cat has arrived at our Cattery
We are a small family breeding of quality registered sphynx cattery located in Eau Claire Wisconsin you will find the photos of my queens and kings in the menu. My sphynx cat for sale receive the best care, high quality food and lots of love too. They are very well socialized and live with two small dogs.
I have been passionate about animals since my early childhood. I have owned a horse for a long time, I have always had cats and dogs at home and they are a part of my life. I am always looking for a quality life for my cats for sale so that they can live a full and happy life, this being my reward for continuing to live this passion that has always lived in me.
'' '' '' 'The sphynx cat in general cannot be ignored - it is for this reason that through the centuries it has had
its lovers and its enemies - but this magician has always succeeded in offering us at least some appeasement, at best: happiness and a different vision of our world through its mysterious eyes that seem to pierce our appearance and see beyond ...
The Sphynx also known as ( Canadian Hairless ) is a rare breed of cat known for its lack of a coat.
Records shows that hairless cats have been the results of natural mutation that occurs in the cat population every 15-20 years. The contemporary breed of Sphynx (known also as the Canadian Sphynx, distinct from the Russian Sphynx breeds - Peterbald, Don Sphynx) started in 1966, in Toronto Canada, when a hairless kitten named Prune was born. The kitten was forced to mate with its mother, which produced one more naked kitten. Together with a few naked kittens found later it became the primogenitor of the breed. The first sphynx breeders faced a number of problems: The genetic pool was very limited; breeders had rather vague ideas about sphynx genetics; and many kittens died. The naked male Epidermis born in 1975 to short-haired mother provided new material to sphynx fanciers and new genes for further breed development. In the early stages of the breed crosses with devon-rex were used, but later this crossing was frowned upon because it caused health problems and devolution. Now the Canadian Sphynx is a breed with a sound genetic pool.
Other hairless breeds might have body shapes or temperaments that differ from those described above. There are, for example, new hairless breeds, including the Don Sphynx and the Peterbald from Russia, which arose from their own spontaneous mutations. The standard for the Sphynx differs between cat associations such as TICA, FIFE and CFA.